MSS Update

While MSS work at the college will be paused from January 2025, the team will continue to update this site when our teaching schedules permit.

What is MSS?

MSS = Multilingual Support Services

The MSS team are faculty members from the English Language Development (ELD) department. The team:

  • Supports faculty college-wide with English-as-an-additional-language (EAL) students dealing with EAL-specific issues
  • Collaborates ​with faculty on instructional and assessment materials from ​an EAL teaching and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) perspective​
  • Based on requests from faculty, develops self-access resources as a foundation for success for EAL students enrolled in college-level programs at Camosun, including academic language and study skills,​ college readiness, and Canadian cultural literacy​
  • Promotes a campus culture of equity, diversity, inclusion, and interculturalization

What’s New?

Self Care Cafe Poster Fall 2024

NEW COURSE: ELD 105: Advanced Academic Communication

  • Communication skills and strategies for academic success for EAL students in college programs


  • Academic listening and speaking skills
    • Lecture readiness, presentation and discussion practice, vocabulary development, and more!
  • Study skills and cultural awareness
  • Critical thinking skills
  • Flexible delivery: Blended & Asynchronous sections

Please check  for dates  and the Academic Calendar for the full description 

MSS Resources for Faculty

Contact your school’s MSS to find out more!

Self-Access Resources

This collection of self-access resources was developed by the MSS team, based on faculty requests, to offer a foundation for success for EAL students in college programs with independent study of language and socio-cultural competencies.

Other Camosun Supports

Camosun College has a number of other support services to help students be successful in their studies: Writing Centre, Library, and more.

Contact your school’s MSS to find out more!

Meet the MSS Team!

Cristina Petersen
MSS for the School of Arts & Science


Nick Travers
MSS for the School of Business and the Centre for Sport & Exercise Education (CSEE)


Woman with brown hair smiling

Beth Konomoto
MSS for the Schools of Health & Human Services and Trades & Technology
